Thursday, December 26, 2019
STCW IMO Standards for Training Certification
The Standards for Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping, or STCW, is a convention of the IMO. These regulations first came into existence in 1978. Major revisions to the conventions occurred in 1984, 1995, and 2010. The goal of the STCW training is to give seafarers from all nations a standard set of skills useful to crew members working aboard large vessels outside of the boundaries of their country. Do All Merchant Mariners Need to Take an STCW Course? In the United States mariners only need to take an approved STCW course if they intend to work aboard a vessel greater than 200 Gross Register Tons (Domestic Tonnage), or 500 Gross Tons, which will operate beyond the boundaries defined by the Federal Regulations which indicate international waters. Although STCW training is not required for seafarers working in nearshore areas or domestic inland waterways it is recommended. STCW training offers exposure to valuable skills which make the mariner more flexible aboard ship and more valuable in the job market. Not all nations require their licensed merchant mariners to take a separate STCW course. Many high-quality programs meet the training requirements for STCW during the regular licensing coursework. Why is STCW a Separate Course? STCW training guidelines are laid out in the IMO convention to standardize the basic skills needed to safely crew aboard a large vessel outside of areas where domestic rules apply. Some of the training does not apply to smaller craft or vessels operating in coastal or river areas. To simplify testing requirements, not all countries include the STCW information for basic merchant mariner licensing. Each country may decide if their licensing requirements meet the terms of the IMO convention. What is Taught in an STCW Course? Every course goes about their training in different ways so no two courses are the same. Some courses have a greater emphasis on classroom learning but generally, some concepts are taught in a hands-on situation. Classes will include some of the following disciplines: Bridge and Deck Skills; Traffic Patterns, Lights and Day Shapes, Horn Signals for international watersEngine Room; Operations, Signals, Emergency ProceduresInternationally Standardized Radio Operations and TerminologyEmergency, Occupational Safety, Medical Care and Survival FunctionsWatchkeeping Major components of the STCW conventions were modified during the last revision in June of 2010. These are called the Manila Amendments and they will go into effect January 1, 2012. These amendments will bring the training requirements up to date for modern operational situations and technologies. Some of the changes from the Manila Amendments are: ââ¬Å"Revised requirements on hours of work and rest and new requirements for the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as updated standards relating to medical fitness standards for seafarersâ⬠ââ¬Å"New requirements relating to training in modern technology such as electronic charts and information systemsâ⬠ââ¬Å"New requirements for marine environment awareness training and training in leadership and teamworkâ⬠ââ¬Å"Updating of competence requirements for personnel serving on board all types of tankers, including new requirements for personnel serving on liquefied gas tankersâ⬠ââ¬Å"New requirements for security training, as well as provisions to ensure that seafarers are properly trained to cope if their ship comes under attack by piratesâ⬠ââ¬Å"New training guidance for personnel serving on board ships operating in polar watersâ⬠ââ¬Å"New training guidance for personnel operating Dynamic Positioning Systemsâ⬠These new training elements will give a merchant mariner many valuable and potentially life-saving skills. Anyone considering a new career in the maritime industry or an upgrade to their current credential should strongly consider taking part in an approved STCW course. More information is available for U.S. licensees from the National Maritime Center website.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Russsian Empire Guilty of Imperialism - 954 Words
From a century to another and from regime to regime Russians have been accused of empire-building and imperialism. It is not always without a reason, since the Tsarist Russian Empire was clearly and undeniably imperialistic. (Beissinger 1995) However, the case of Soviet Union and especially their rule over Central Asia is more ambiguous and unique. It is highly disputable whether Soviet actions were actions of state-building or actions of empire-building. In this essay I examine Soviet rule in Central Asia in order to find out if it was imperialistic, and if so, to what extent. I argue that there are several facts that support the idea of Soviet imperialism in Central Asia and therefore it is correct to define it as imperialistic. Yet at the same time there are several facts that demonstrate how Soviet Union was very different from earlier Western Empires such as the British Empire. Some evidence even makes Soviet actions to be seen as actions of state-building. Therefore it is to be noticed, that the Soviet Union was not entirely imperialistic and when it was, it was imperialistic in a very unique way. Soviet leaders themselves never saw Soviet ambitions as imperialistic. They explicitly declared themselves as anti-imperialistic. They argued that they were building a state, not an empire. (Beissinger 1995) Central Asian states were seen as having been illegitimately oppressed by the Tsarist Empire. Soviet leaders sympathized those states because of the injustice they had
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Music and Musicians in the Buena Vista Social Club Essay Example For Students
Music and Musicians in the Buena Vista Social Club Essay Buena Vista Social Club is a documentary which follows a group of extraordinary Cuban musicians who have been asked to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City. The film shows the history of Cuban music and emphasizes how these musicians became so successful. Each musician seems to have a youthful exuberance. They all believe that this is the prime of their lives, even though they are all between 50 and 80 years old. The Buena Vista Social Club points out the great history of Cuban music and how it has changed these musicians lives. Most of the musicians featured in this film seem to view music as a crystallized intelligence. They all talk about how music has always been a part of their lives and how they have learned and grown from the experiences music has provided them. Music is ever changing and evolving. As we experience different heartbreaks and happy moments, music is there to comfort us or to reflect on these situations. This is why music can be fluid and the experience of a song changes with each time you hear it. Although the notes and lyrics have not changed, our life experiences change our view and how we interpret the song. The Cuban musicians in Buena Vista Social Club have so much life experience and understanding of the world. The way they feel the music changes based on where they are in life. For example, when Ruben Gonzalez started playing piano, he was in the first grade. His family had bought a piano, which he began playing with just as a fun toy. But when his mother saw his potential she had him take lessons. Lessons were not something had he exactly enjoyed, but he did them anyway. When he was in eighth grade, his teacher told him he would one day be a great pianist. He eventually started playing with a band and toured the world playing his music. He has a very crystallized intelligence when it comes to his view in music. He started playing the piano as a fun toy and nothing serious, but as he experienced life and grew older, the piano took on a whole new role in his life. It became a way of life and a passion of his. Cuba is such a different society than the United States. Everyone smokes cigars, everyone sings and dances, and everyone lives a relaxed way of life. The man that has been smoking for 85 years physically seems to be in great health for his age. He seems to have taken care of himself, beside the fact that he smokes as much as he does. As we get older, there are many factors that contribute to staying healthy. If you ingest a certain toxin into your body, but balance it out with healthy alternatives; when it comes to diet, exercise, stress, and daily activity, it is possible to smoke daily and still be healthy. The United States puts so much emphasis on how terrible smoking is. But there are so many things that are just as bad for you if you do them excessively. The man in the film smokes a cigar daily. Compared to many Americans who smoke 20-40 cigarettes a day, one cigar does not seem too terrible. He also seems to live a very relaxed and stress free life. Stress is a major factor in aging and vitality. Many of the musicians in the Buena Vista Social Club live life to the fullest. They all seem to be stress free and enjoy life to the fullest. The older men and women in this film often talk about how they are in the prime of their lives and how they still have so much life to live. .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad , .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .postImageUrl , .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad , .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad:hover , .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad:visited , .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad:active { border:0!important; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad:active , .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u444da9429e42aaa73f3f54e7d2ad83ad:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Music and Critical Thinking Questions EssayA perfect example is the man who has been smoking for 85 years. Later in the film, he states that he has five children and is working on his sixth. He has to be around 90 years old, but is trying to have another child. This is extremely unheard of in America. The American way of life is to be successful and have a family between the ages of 25 and 40, to be content with this lifestyle for 20 years, and then retire. By 70 years old, many people in America are living slow, seemingly boring lives. Some live in retirement homes, while some live with family. But it seems that after 70 there is a downhill toward death type of outlook. In Cuba, it is the complete opposite. They live life day by day and enjoy each experience they have. The musicians in this film see each day as an opportunity to grow and spread their love of music. They enjoy their days and stay active well past 80 years of age. In my opinion, this is happening because much of the American lifestyle is based on a personââ¬â¢s job and financial success; while in Cuba their lifestyles are based on family, relationships, health, and happiness. This is why these musicians are able to see that they are in the prime of their lives and are able to enjoy every minute of it. I think this is the element of the film that is most applicable to the sociology of aging. Different cultures have different ââ¬Å"flows of lifeâ⬠or ways that they live. It is clear that Cubaââ¬â¢s musicians in the film are carefree and live each day to the fullest. This is how aging is seen in their culture. It just proves that each culture has different views on aging. The important thing for us to do is to learn from different cultures and try to apply their ways to our own lives the best we can.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Didion Essay Example
Didion Paper Joan Doing On Keeping a Notebook In On Keeping a Notebook, Doing writes about the Importance In keeping a notebook to record events and personal feelings. She makes It vital to write In the moment that these events, thoughts, and feelings occur. Although, the point Sins to be accurate or persuasive but rather personal to reflect and reveal what she discovers about herself In the process while still applying rhetorical devices of ethos, pathos, and logos In her essay. Her notebook Includes personal experiences written erratically, versus to writing In a diary dally. Some of the entries Jotted down have little to no significance to her life and this format enforces the effects to writing In a notebook the same way any average person would. Some of these stories are questionable to her and are used to make a point of how writing in a notebook isnt about finding a meaning but keeping in touch with yourself in the end. Dingos writing structure is informal to the way its written with random stories ND using casual language that is easy to understand as if she were speaking to the reader. This makes for the persuasive method of ethos that enables the reader to trust her writings to make a point in using the notebook usefully and efficiently. She asks the reader questions throughout the essay that makes the reader think about how a notebook comes in handy. Why did I write it down? In order to remember, of course, but exactly what was it I wanted to remember? We will write a custom essay sample on Didion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Didion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Didion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer How much of it actually happened? Did any of it? Why do I keep a notebook at all? It is easy to deceive oneself on all those scores. (76). As she continues to keep the reader questioning, she successfully resumes authority over the reader when she adds in another personal entry. Doing does not make against any argument, but comes to avoid it as she successfully attempts to inform the reader that Sometimes even the maker has difficulty with the meaning,(79) while bringing in playful sarcasm to her explanations, . Yet there it is in my notebook, labeled FACT. 79) causing the reader to respect her point of view. Overall, what she tries to get across to the reader Isnt to record, analyze, or conclude but to keep bits of mindful thoughts. Doing By lexicons In On Keeping a Notebook, Doing writes about the importance in keeping a notebook to record events and personal feelings. She makes it vital to write in the moment that these events, thoughts, and feelings occur. Although, the point is nt to discovers about herself in the process while still applying rhetorical devices of ethos, ethos, and logos in her essay. Her notebook includes personal experiences written erratically, versus to writing in a diary daily. Some of the entries Jotted down have little to no significance to her life and this format enforces the effects to writing in a notebook the same way any average person would. Some of these stories are explanations, Yet there it is in my notebook, labeled FACT. (79) causing the reader to respect her point of view.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Rankle Rankle Rankle By Maeve Maddox A reader declares: I rankle Or get rankled when I hear someone, usually, an athlete, is under rated. What does this mean? The question asks about the term underrated, but this post will focus mainly on rankle. First, the verb underrate: underrate: to estimate at too low a value or worth. Ex. Research shows men tend to overrate themselves and women underrate themselves. Further explanation of underrate does not seem necessary. The reader is correct in the observation that the term is frequently used in reference to athletes. For example, a Google search brings up several lists of ââ¬Å"the most underrated sports figuresâ⬠: 10 Most Underrated Athletes of All Time The 25 Most Underrated Sports Superstars of All Time The List: Underrated all-time athletes 10 of the most underrated sports stars of all time The 5 Most Underrated Athletes The 25 Greatest Underrated NBA Players of All Time Now, to rankle. Taken into English from Old French, the verb rankle initially meant ââ¬Å"to festerâ⬠or ââ¬Å"to suppurate.â⬠A wound that rankled was in the process of rotting. Over time, the word has dwindled in figurative use to mean to annoy or to irritate. Rankle conveys a sense of ongoing emotional hurt or bitterness. The verb may be used transitively or intransitively. Here are examples of current use: After less than three months on the job, LePage has already managed to rankle more constituencies with his bluntness than any Maine governor in recent memory.- Deseret News Christieââ¬â¢s Cowboys Support Rankles Some New Jersey Residents- Wall Street Journal My father didnââ¬â¢t get his due. That still rankles.- Shadaab Khan $10 bill change rankles descendant of Alexander Hamilton- New York Times [Rod] Serling was not just another freelancer and he rankled at the perceived affront to his work- Jeannot Szwarc Are you rankled by your cankles? A new liposuction treatment may help- Daily Mail Note: The word cankle is a new one on me. Word flags it as a misspelling. Cankle does not appear in the OED or on the Ngram Viewer, but Merriam-Webster offers a citation from The Philadelphia Inquirer dated 2001 and defines cankle as: a wide, thick, or fat ankle that appears indistinguishable from the lower calf. Cankle is a portmanteau: calf + ankle. As for rankle, Itââ¬â¢s a good word to convey a festering annoyance of long duration. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Meetingâ⬠Hyper and HypoUsing Writing Bursts to Generate Ideas and Enthusiasm
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on The Prison System
I chose the prison system for this paper because I am very interested in this topic. I think itââ¬â¢s interesting how prison is portrayed on television. For instance, the HBO show ââ¬Å"Ozâ⬠, which portrays prison completely different than it really is. On the show the prisoners dress how they want, and are allowed to smoke. On ââ¬Å"Ozâ⬠, inmates kill other inmates daily, with the help of correctional officers. Until I really learned about the prison systems in the United States, I thought that this was all very far from reality. It seems that in some prisons the inmates arenââ¬â¢t being treated like criminals, but instead more like regular people. When an individual commits a crime the legal system prosecutes the criminal and ultimately imprisons him. Prisoners are sent to prison or jail because they committed a crime, something that was considered unacceptable and wrong in society. Therefore, they are sent to prison or jail to pay for what they did, to be punished. However, a lot of these prisons and jails that they are being sent to are made to be too comfortable and too accommodating. Prisoners are being entertained rather than being reformed. They are entitled to programs such as arts and crafts, music, television, occasional live performances, and leisure sports. Along with these activities prisoners are entitled to programs such as education and trade instruction. The reason many citizens are so outraged by these programs is because they are not offered in such a capacity to the rest of society as readily as they are to prisoners. In many prisons, prisoners are served 3 hot meals a day. Breakfast might consist of eggs, bacon, cereal, fruit, juice, and coffee. Also, at jails and prisons prisoners have an open courtyard, where they have access to weights, basketball, and other recreational activities. The prisoners can earn their GED. They can also sometimes access books and computers. These prisoners are getting three meals a d... Free Essays on The Prison System Free Essays on The Prison System I chose the prison system for this paper because I am very interested in this topic. I think itââ¬â¢s interesting how prison is portrayed on television. For instance, the HBO show ââ¬Å"Ozâ⬠, which portrays prison completely different than it really is. On the show the prisoners dress how they want, and are allowed to smoke. On ââ¬Å"Ozâ⬠, inmates kill other inmates daily, with the help of correctional officers. Until I really learned about the prison systems in the United States, I thought that this was all very far from reality. It seems that in some prisons the inmates arenââ¬â¢t being treated like criminals, but instead more like regular people. When an individual commits a crime the legal system prosecutes the criminal and ultimately imprisons him. Prisoners are sent to prison or jail because they committed a crime, something that was considered unacceptable and wrong in society. Therefore, they are sent to prison or jail to pay for what they did, to be punished. However, a lot of these prisons and jails that they are being sent to are made to be too comfortable and too accommodating. Prisoners are being entertained rather than being reformed. They are entitled to programs such as arts and crafts, music, television, occasional live performances, and leisure sports. Along with these activities prisoners are entitled to programs such as education and trade instruction. The reason many citizens are so outraged by these programs is because they are not offered in such a capacity to the rest of society as readily as they are to prisoners. In many prisons, prisoners are served 3 hot meals a day. Breakfast might consist of eggs, bacon, cereal, fruit, juice, and coffee. Also, at jails and prisons prisoners have an open courtyard, where they have access to weights, basketball, and other recreational activities. The prisoners can earn their GED. They can also sometimes access books and computers. These prisoners are getting three meals a d...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
English reaserch paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
English reaserch paper - Essay Example et of rules, norms or processes by which individuals live since childhood and tolerating or understanding those having differing views of it is a challenging task. B. The advent of technology and the simultaneous evolution of globalization have blurred national and international boundaries thereby further stressing on the significance and need for encouraging cultural acceptance. As nations of the world, join hands for commercial exchange of goods and services, understanding cultural diversity has gained supreme significance. C. On the basis of the above arguments it can be established that there exists widespread cultural diversity across the globe and in the wake of globalization and rapidly blurring geographical boundaries, there is an urgent need to eliminate and reduce the cultural differences. This can only be done through encouraging cultural acceptance as it has great potential in eliminating the racial conflicts that tends to tarnish human development and create obstacles in the fight against environmental degradation. For instance, the fight against terrorism ââ¬â a popular political agenda of the U.S. government which seeks to defend the nation from prospective terrorist attacks, is a glaring example of both ââ¬â apparent cultural differences which has given rise to such animosity between faiths, and the investment of huge resources and manpower in arms and ammunition rather than investing the same in more culturally relevant issues such as global warming. D. Cultural acceptance may lead to better socio-economic relations among nations, protection of environment, development of a culturally diverse yet united world, establishment of world peace, greater racial tolerance, healthier trade relations, cultural globalization etc among others. ââ¬Å"In these troubled times with the world in search of its bearings and way ward minds using the terms ââ¬Å"cultureâ⬠and ââ¬Å"civilizationâ⬠in an attempt to turn human beings against one another, there is an urgent
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Statistics & Quantitative Methods Speech or Presentation - 1
Statistics & Quantitative Methods - Speech or Presentation Example Thus, the payback period for Project A is 2.33 years. The Payback Period Method therefore is a technique used in appraising investments by actually trying to find out the Payback Period of a project. In this way, expected time required to recover the original investment can be calculated. 1.a.ii. Net Present Value Method. With the emergence of discounted cash flow techniques, it has become easy nowadays to implement the net present value method in investment appraisal. The net present value method is a method of ranking investment proposals using the net present value, which is equal to the present value of future net cash flows, discounted at the marginal cost of capital (Brigham, 1992). 1.a.iii. Internal Rate of Return Method. This is a method of ranking investment proposals using the rate of return on an asset investment, calculated by finding the discount rate that equates the present value of future cash inflows to the investmentââ¬â¢s cost (Brigham, 1992). The internal rate of return is the discount rate which forces the present value of a projectââ¬â¢s inflows to equal the present value of its costs. In conclusion, it is good to look clearly which among of these three mentioned methods are good. Payback period method is very simple among the three methods. However, with its simplicity come two major weaknesses. It definitely does not take into account the benefits that occur after the payback period. In short, it does not measure the total income. With this, it does not take into consideration the time value of money. It uses cash flows in the calculation but not net income so it has nothing to say much about a projectââ¬â¢s total profitability. The net present value unlike payback period is computed in terms of currency. The net present value accounts for the time value of money, inflation, risk, financing and other considerations which make it a good measure of profitability. The internal rate of return on the other hand is good when it
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Letter to Water_District Essay Example for Free
Letter to Water_District Essay Dear Todd Green,Ã It has come to my attention that I have been experiencing unintentional water loss over the past three months. During the months of December, January, and February, my water bill has been higher than usual, resulting in three bills totaling $134.32 each. Before December, each of my bills from June through November had only been $54.32, $80 lower. Upon checking the pipes and water systems in my house, a plumber called attention to three faulty flapper valves in my toilets. These have been replaced and will hopefully rectify the unintentional water loss problem. It is my hope that you will recognize that the loss of water and rise of my water bill was accidental and not purposeful, readjusting the bills from December through February and reimbursing me the $240 total for these three months. The Water District unintentional water loss policy allows for refunds in special situations, and I believe that my circumstances meet the criteria. Sincerely,
Friday, November 15, 2019
Analysis of Demian by Hermann Hesse :: Demian Herman Hesse Germany Essays
Analysis of Demian by Hermann Hesse Demian is the story of a boy, Emil Sinclair, and his search for himself. Emil was raised in a good traditional home at the turn of the century in the nation of Germany. His family is very wealthy and they have a reputation as a principled, religious family. As a boy, Sinclair views the world within the walls of his home as representing all that is good, pure, and innocent. But starting at a young age, he feels an inner conflict between his own little world, the "world of light," and the outside world, or "forbidden realm" which represents sin and loneliness. Even though his mother, father, and two sisters remain within the "world of light", he constantly feels attracted to the outside realm. He ends up feeling uncertain between both of his little worlds, and not belonging to either one of them. This struggle between Sinclairââ¬â¢s two worlds is evident when Sinclair is about 10 years old. While playing one day with some fellow schoolmates, Franz Kromer, an older kid, joins them. In an effort to impress the older boy and his schoolmates, Sinclair makes up a story in which he and another unnamed accomplice stole a bag of apples from a fellow neighbor. Although the story is untrue, Kromer threatens Sinclair with exposure if Sinclair does not pay him off. Unable to pay the full amount, Sinclair is forced to become Kromerââ¬â¢s slave, ultimately sending Sinclair into depression and paranoia. Sinclair feels trapped by Kromer, forced to live within the "forbidden realm", which in turn exiles him from the "world of light" because he has defiled himself by lying and committing sinful acts for Kromer. This experience is traumatic for Sinclair and he is often haunted by nightmares, he is unable to eat, and he becomes withdrawn and sullen. His personality alters as he tries to cope with the bondage of his slavery to this lower-class, troublesome kid, but he sees no escape and reluctantly succumbs to what he believes to be his fate. The arrival of a new kid in tow n, Max Demian, is noticed by everyone due to the strange aura that surrounds him and his recently widowed mother. From the start, Sinclair feels a type of fascination for Demian, a confusing feeling filled with both love and hate. "He was in every respect different from all the others, was entirely himself, with a personality all his own which made him noticeable even though he did his best not to be noticed; his manner and bearing was that of a prince disguised among farm boys, taking great pains to appear one of them.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Work-Study Program of Full-Time and Part-Time Students
There are many similarities and differences between full and part-time students. Each student is trying for the goal of educating themselves to become more successful in life. As students begin their education there is a sense of motivation and eagerness. Knowing the possible compensations and honor that comes with this achievement. There can be a feeling of tension and uncertainty that comes with this new adventure. If an individual does not become discarded, and is willing to except the challenge of this feat, there is no limit to the success one can attain in their life. Students receive their degree at different times in their lives depending on their finances, responsibilities and time restraints. Full-time students are generally younger, and just out of high school. Full-time students must take a minimum number of courses, generally 12 or more semester hours. They normally have a set semester schedule of daytime or nighttime classes to choose from. They are often eligible for financial aid, or work-study programs because of the higher cost for a higher education. They may also receive a number of scholarships to help pay for their education. Full-time students usually do not have a family or as many outside responsibilities. They usually only have a part-time job and still live at home with their parents. The time restraints that full-time students have are homework, studying and fitting their job schedule into their school schedule. These students can complete a full degree program in about 4 ââ¬â 5 years. Part-time students are generally older, and living on their own. For part-time students it takes a longer time to achieve the goal of graduation. Many students can not afford to go to college on a full-time basis because of the cost of education. They are often not eligible for financial aid or work-study programs because they take as few as 1 ââ¬â 3 semester hour courses. Scholarships are usually not offered to part-time students. They do not normally have the problem of course overload, unless they are taking too many courses at once, while trying to work full-time. At times even one course can be too much to handle, depending on the studentâ⬠s home situation. Part-time students often have additional responsibilities of home and family, and must handle their other responsibilities in addition to school. Often, part-time students are taking classes to help them in their career. Some professions require taking classes to continue their education and are taken on a part-time basis to enhance their work skills. These types of classes are normally taken evenings, weekends or holiday breaks. Part-time students sometimes have a difficult time finding the courses they need at the time they need them. It may take months or years before needed courses are offered. Whether the student is going to a university or a community college, they must consider all possibilities before entering college. If you have a full-time job or career, one would usually become a part-time student. If money in not an issue, a full-time route would probably be taken. If family is an issue, a student may decide to go part-time. Either way a student goes, the goal of a diploma can be achieved. Both full and part-time students consider their finances, responsibilities and time restraints to accomplish a higher education. Regardless of the time frame in which each person may fulfill this goal, there is usually a feeling of success, pride, and relief in knowing that graduation is at hand. Through many hours of strenuous research and sacrifice, an individual can put their knowledge towards their desired profession. This accomplishment of success is not only measured by financial rewards, but also knowing that this knowledge will help many others.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Moral And Ethical Considerations Health And Social Care Essay
The end of utilizing automatons in medical specialty is to supply improved diagnostic capablenesss, a less aggressive and a more comfy experience for the patient, and the ability to make smaller and more accurate intercessions. A Automatons are presently used for prostate surgery, hysterectomies, the remotion of fibroids, joint replacings, open-heart surgery and kidney surgeries. They can be used along with MRIs to supply organ biopsies. While the physician can see images of the patient and command the automaton through a computing machine, he does non necessitate to be in the room, or even at the same location as the patient. A This means that a physician can run on a patient who is far off without either of them holding to go. It besides provides a better work atmosphere by cut downing strain and weariness. Surgeries that last for hours can do even the best sawboness to see manus failing and shudders, while automatons are more stable and drum sander. Dr. D'Ovidio has extended experience in thoracic and esophageal malignant neoplastic disease, reflux and achalasia instances. Embracing the most advanced engineering, he has been trained to execute robotic thoracic surgery. Although you might visualise bantam small automatons repairing jobs inside your organic structure, Dr. D'Ovidio explains it ââ¬Ës ââ¬Å" non like a automaton is making surgery and I ââ¬Ëm holding java in a saloon. â⬠( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The sawbones sits at a console to run a mechanical arm that has tools loaded on to it. In add-on to the fact that the sawbones can sit at easiness, another advantage is alleviating the weariness of holding to keep instruments for an drawn-out period of clip. The automatons use well greater optics to present 3-dimensional vision. In truth, robotic surgery is 3D. It has two ââ¬Å" eyes â⬠alternatively of merely 1. This gives a much better position. Besides, the automatons have articulations that articulate the tool in all waies. For illustration, like holding an arm with a carpus, as opposed to a laparoscope, where the arm is stiff with no wrist motion. ââ¬Å" Although it ââ¬Ës fundamentally the same process as unfastened or laparoscopic surgery, you have much more refined action, â⬠Dr. D'Ovidio says, ââ¬Å" and achieve greater preciseness, less mistake, and less possible hemorrhage. That ââ¬Ës a benefit to the patient. â⬠( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Marjorie Paulson, 75, lives in Long Island. Mrs. Paulson was thrilled to larn about Dr. D'Ovidio ââ¬Ës automaton and flew into the metropolis for surgery on February 28, 2012. Her process was a great campaigner for the robotic attack. Equally good as her hiatal hernia fix, due to the presence of esophageal shortening, Mrs. Paulson required a Collis gastroplasty to widen the gorge and easiness tenseness on the anti-reflux Nissen fundoplication process. She went home the following twenty-four hours, has had no hurting or any other symptoms, and feels superb. The district attorney Vinci surgical system is a somewhat invasive new attack that uses cutting edge robotic engineering. The district attorney Vinci Surgical System takes gynaecological surgery to new statures by leting highly precise motions, legerity and control through minimum surgical gaps and strong 3D vision and magnification. Marginally aggressive roboticA prostatectomy and roboticA hysterectomy intervention options now offer the potency for first-class post-operative map and malignant neoplastic disease direction results.A Quickly going the global intervention pick for prostate state of affairss, the district attorney Vinci Robot is besides puting a new benchmark with the district attorney Vinci hysterectomy, for the broad scope of uterine conditions that need surgery. This criterion is accredited to the improved benefits of truth and magnification at the operative site, every bit good as a shorter timeline for recovery, decreased hurting, fewer troubles, reduced scarring an d lower hazard of infection. With the sawbones steering robotic weaponries from a sing console some pess off from the patient. As an option to doing a big scratch, the automaton ââ¬Ës tools and camera are inserted through four little holes in the patient ââ¬Ës thorax. The automaton used in the patterns, the Intuitive Surgical district attorney Vinci System, has Food and Drug Administration consent for a figure of clinical tests in bosom surgery. Initial consequences show that on norm, patients stayed in the infirmary two to four yearss less and returned to work 50 per centum quicker than those holding the unfastened process. The district attorney Vinci Surgical System, made by Intuitive Surgical, Inc. of Sunnyvale, Calif. , is freed to execute surgery under the counsel of a sawbones. As of May 2012, more than 1,840 da Vinci Systems are installed in over 1,450 infirmaries worldwide. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The district attorney Vinci Si double console besides permits sawboness from different Fieldss to work together on the same patient. For illustration, a patient undergoing gynaecological and urological processs can be robotically operated on at similar times, allowing both sawboness to work together and decreasing the hazards of jobs for the patient. The most apparent advantage of the double console is the capacity to develop new robotics sawboness. Alternatively of the mentoring sawbones and mentoree swapping topographic points back and Forth throughout the surgery, both can now work in tandem. The productiveness of holding two sawboness working at the same clip could easy accelerate the acquisition curve as both sawboness are seeing the same anatomy and sharing the same tools, merely like the larning procedure in unfastened surgery. The accelerated acquisition curve for the sawboness means a batch more instances can be done, allowing even more patients to gain from robotics surgery. Hospital corsets can be decreased by about half, cut downing infirmary cost by about 33 % . These fewer yearss in the intensive attention unit are a consequence of less hurting and quicker recovery. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Though the size of the mechanism is still non little plenty for bosom processs in kids, the minimally aggressive nature of district attorney Vinci does non go forth a big surgical cicatrix and still has some limited applications in kids for the clip being. Furthermore, harmonizing to Intuitive Surgical, merely 80,000 out of 230,000 new instances of prostate malignant neoplastic disease undergo surgery because of the high hazard invasive surgery carries, connoting that more people may undergo surgery with this germinating engineering. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The chief disadvantages to this engineering are the steep acquisition curve and high cost of th e device. Though Intuitive Surgical provides a preparation plan, it took sawboness about 12-18 patients before they felt secure executing the technique. The big floor-mounted patient-side cart confines the helper sawbones ââ¬Ës attack to the patient. Though, there are besides many who are unable to entree the district attorney Vinci based on the steep monetary value. In a paper published by The American Journal of Surgery, 75 % of sawboness claimed that they felt financially limited by any system that cost more than $ 500,000. As of now, surgery with the district attorney Vinci Surgical System takes 40-50 proceedingss longer, but the FDA considered this a learning curve variable and expects clip to better with more usage of the system. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Acrobot Precision Surgical Systems mission is bettering the velocity, truth and duplicability of joint replacing, guaranting maximal benefit for the sawbones and the patient Acrobot provides preciseness surgical systems for computer-assisted 3D planning, surgical pilotage and surgeon-controlled robotic surgery. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) In order to better clinical results, addendum sawbones accomplishments, enable bone preservation and increase productiveness. When joint replacing cogwheels are implanted exactly and successfully, the patient ââ¬Ës post-operative recovery clip can be cut and hurting and troubles can be minimized, which should so take to improved quality of life for the patient. With the enlargement of accoutrement engineerings, such as visual image systems, retractors, and stabilizers, every bit good as other methods of vascular canulation and cardiorespiratory beltway ( CPB ) , such as peripheral CPB and endoaortic balloon engineering, many past restrictions have been conquered. Many physicians have shown promising consequences utilizing a mini-sternotomy, parasternal scratch, and mini-thoracotomy for complex cardiac processs, including coronary arteria beltway grafting ( CABG ) , mitral and aortal valve surgery, and atrial septal defect ( ASD ) closing. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The following measure has been the creative activity of thoracoscopic surgery utilizing computerized telemicromanipulation. Using a surgical robotic system, sawboness can work little endoscopic instruments, which are put in through ports one centimetre in size, recognizing many of the proficient operations merely anteceden tly possible with unfastened surgery. Supporters of minimally aggressive techniques have assumed that by diminishing the scratch size and entire operative injury, it may be possible to diminish postoperative hurting and better quality of life, rendering into a rapid recovery and the ability to go on preoperative activities, such as work. While several surveies of robotically supported cardiac surgery have reported hurts and deceases, merely one survey has addressed hurting and quality of life, comparing patients who underwent larboard entree techniques with patients who underwent a sternotomy. Supporters of robotic engineering for atrial septate defect closing have stated, based on subjective experience, that postoperative hurting is reduced and quality of life is improved in patients undergoing surgery with robotic techniques as opposed to conservative attacks, such as a sternotomy or thoracotomy. Robotically aided thoracoscopic atrial septate defect fix resulted in first-class quality of life after 30 yearss. Quality of life result steps were significantly superior in the robotic group as compared to patients who underwent surgery utilizing nonthoracoscopic techniques, such as sternotomy and mini-thoracotomy. ( http: // ) A robotic attack prevents the injury of a sternotomy or thoracotomy, which is an of import concern to many patients. Patients who endured a robotic attack returned to work earlier than patients who endured a mini-thoracotomy or sternotomy. Along with better-quality patient attention, another end of doing medical robotics conventional is to cut down on medical costs. But, this is non ever the instance. Some robotic surgery systems cost more than $ 1 million to get and $ 100,000 a twelvemonth or more to keep. A This means that infirmaries need to measure the cost of the machine vs. the cost of conventional attention. If robotic surgery cuts down on the hurting and healing clip, so money is saved because the figure of yearss the patient stays in the infirmary is reduced. There is besides a decrease in the sum of employees needed in the operating room during surgery. In contrast, monolithic preparation clip is required for physicians to larn to plan and command the machines. Another fright is that there are really few shapers of medical robotics. With small competition, the few shapers that exist can put their ain monetary values. Medical robotics are still new, and there is much more work to be done. And expensive, which can do it unaffordable for many infirmaries and health-care centres. A There are besides still issues with inaction. This means the clip oversight between the blink of an eyes when the physician shifts the controls and when the automaton responds. Plus, there is still a hazard for human mistake if the physician falsely plans the automaton before surgery. Computer plans can non modify their class during surgery, while a human sawbones can do needful corrections. As sawboness become more acquainted with utilizing automatons for surgery, and as more companies provide medical automatons, thereA will come a twenty-four hours when automatons are used in about every infirmary. Yet, this is still far off in the hereafter. One of the defects of most robotic surgical systems today is the absence of the esthesis of touch for the sawbones. Execution of tactile feedback into robotic surgical systems can transform the physician ââ¬Ës user experience by leting designation of altered tissue constructions, forestalling tissue harm, sing right sutura arrangement and dwindling undertaking completion clip. The increasing trouble of recent surgical engineering will necessitate more rigorous guidelines for concern and pattern similar to the subject used in air power. Using a surgical automaton suggests that the sawbones is no longer in direct physical or ocular contact with the patient. The sawbones non merely operates through computing machine bids but there is besides a significant distance to the helpers go toing the operation tabular array. Unfortunately, the current systems lack an acceptable manner to pass on between the operator and the helpers. As with many new technological developments, communicating might look to be the Achilles ââ¬Ë heel of robotic surgery. More suited equipment of communicating and more steadfast subject in followup of the orders from the primary responsible individual, the sawbones, will be critical for a safe and successful process. Telemedicine makes cross-border intervention possible. Cross-border attention should non alter the usual medical moralss but makes intervention likely of patients in countries the physician can non make in individual. Under served parts and states could be assisted. But the engineering could besides rise the resettlement of physicians from hapless to rich countries and states. Besides, the security of the transmitted information between the sawbones and the distant automaton is at interest. That informations should be treated the same manner as written medical records. Mistakes of the robotic system will go on more often with the increasing usage of the machine. Fortunately, it appeared that less than five per centum of device mistakes lead to patient troubles. Additionally, the sum of unfastened alterations due to malfunctions decreased from 94 % in 2003 to 16 % in 2007. ( http: // ) Even though automatons seem to move freely, all of their motions and actions are controlled by the sawbones and as such do non differ from any other surgical equipment. Still, as with any complicated system, safety safeguards will be more important than with the usage of simple instruments. Local every bit good as national and international guidelines will necessitate to be established to turn to specific issues. In 2007, the first policy guidelines for the robot-assisted prostatectomy were suggested in an column by Valvo et Al. ( http: // ) The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons and the Minimally Invasive Robotic Association thought that guidelines for the usage of robotics were missing. To get the better of this spread, they issued a consensus statement on robotic surgery including guidelines for preparation and credentialing. The World Medical Association ( WMA ) made a statement on the moralss of telemedicine on their last meeting in Copenhagen. Included are codifications for the patient-physician relationship and confidentiality, the duties of the doctor and the quality of attention. The World Medical Association is assuring the development of national statute law and international understandings on telemedicine. Robotic surgery is besides known as cyber surgery. The elaborateness of judicial proceeding associated with robotic surgery is complex. In add-on to being able to action doctors and infirmaries, patients who endure an unpleasant result after robotic surgery will hold the possible to action the robotic maker and the telecommunications company. Nevertheless, robotic surgery judicial proceeding will affect Torahs that are by and large unaccustomed to healthcare suppliers. There are non excessively many instances on robotic surgery malpractice, a batch of the instances have been hard to turn out whether it was the sawbones or the mistake of the shapers that made the automaton. Over the following few old ages, robotic or distant surgery will be in pattern on a broader graduated table and cases will finally follow.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How The U.S. Electoral College System Works
How The U.S. Electoral College System Works The Electoral College is not a college in the sense that the word is generally used. Instead, it is the important and often controversial process by which the United States selects the President of the United States every four years. The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College system as a compromise between having the president elected by Congress and having the president elected by the popular vote of qualified citizens. Every fourth November, after almost two years of campaign hype and fundraising, more than 100 million Americans cast their votes for the presidential candidates. Then, in the middle of December, the president and vice president of the United States are actually elected. This is when the votes of only 538 citizens- the electors of the Electoral College System- are counted.à How It Works When you vote for a presidential candidate, you are in fact voting to instruct the electors from your state to cast their votes for the same candidate. For example, if you vote for the Republican candidate in the November election, you are really just picking an elector who will be pledged to vote for the Republican candidate when the Electoral College votes in December. The candidate who wins the popular vote in a state wins all the pledged votes of the states electors, in the 48 winner take all states and District of Columbia. Nebraska and Maine award electors proportionally. The National Archives explains: Maine has four Electoral votes and two Congressional districts. It awards one Electoral vote per Congressional district and two by the statewide, at-large vote. Nebraska has five Electoral College votes, three awarded to the district winners, and two awarded to the statewide popular vote-getter. Overseas territories of the United States, such as Puerto Rico, have no say in presidential elections, even though their residents are U.S. citizens. The Electoral College system was established in Article II of the Constitution and was amended by the 12th Amendment in 1804. How Electors Are Awarded Each state gets a number of electors equal to its number of members in the U.S. House of Representatives plus one for each of its two U.S. senators. The District of Columbia gets three electors. State laws determine how electors are chosen, but they are generally selected by the political party committees within the states. Each elector gets one vote. Thus, a state with eight electors would cast eight votes. There are currently 538 electors, and the votes of a majority of them- 270 votes- are required to be elected. Because Electoral College representation is based on congressional representation, states with larger populations get more Electoral College votes. Should none of the candidates win 270 electoral votes, the 12th Amendment mandates the election be decided by the House of Representatives. The combined representatives of each state get one vote and a simple majority of states is required to win. This has only happened twice: Presidents Thomas Jefferson in 1801 and John Quincy Adams in 1825 were elected by the House of Representatives. Faithless Electors While the state electors are pledged to vote for the candidate of the party that chose them, nothing in the Constitution requires them to do so. In rare instances, an elector will defect and not vote for their partys candidate. Such faithless votes rarely change the outcome of the election, and laws of some states prohibit electors from casting them. However, no state has ever prosecuted someone for not voting the way they were pledged. The 2016 election saw the most ever faithless electors, as seven were cast; the previous record was six electors who changed their votes, in 1808. When the College Meets The public casts their votes on the first Tuesday after Nov. 1, and before the sun sets in California at least one of the TV networks likely will have declared a winner. By midnight, one of the candidates will have probably claim victory and others will concede defeat. But not until the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, when the electors of the Electoral College meet in their state capitals to cast their votes, will there really be a new president- and vice president-elect. Why is there such a delay between the general election and the Electoral College meetings? In the 1800s, it took that long to count the popular votes and for all the electors to travel to the state capitals. Today, the time is more likely to be used for settling any protests due to election code violations and for vote recounts. Criticisms of the System Critics of the Electoral College system point out that the system allows the possibility of a candidate actually losing the nationwide popular vote but being elected president by the electoral vote. A look at theà electoral votes from each stateà and a little math will show you how. In fact, it is possible for a candidate to not get a single persons vote in 39 states or the District of Columbia, yet be elected president byà winningà the popular vote in just 11 of these 12 states (The number of electoral votes is in parentheses): California (55)New York (29)Texas (38)Florida (29)Pennsylvania (20)Illinois (20)Ohio (18)Michigan (16)New Jersey (14)North Carolina (15)Georgia (16)Virginia (13) Because 11 of the 12 states listed above account for exactly 270 votes, a candidate could win these states, lose the other 39, and still be elected. Of course, a candidate popular enough to win California orà New Yorkà will almost certainly win some smaller states. When It Happened Five times in Americas history presidential candidates have lost the nationwide popular vote, but been elected presidentà inà the Electoral College: In 1824, 261 electoral votes were available, with 131 needed to be elected president. In the election between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson- both Democratic-Republicans- neither candidate won the necessary 131 electoral votes. While Jackson won more electoral and popular votes than Adams, the House of Representatives, acting under the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, selected John Quincy Adams as the sixth President of the United States. Bitter over the process, Jackson and his supporters proclaimed the election of Adams a ââ¬Å"corrupt bargain.â⬠In 1876,à 369 electoral votes were available, with 185 needed to win.à Republican Rutherford B. Hayes, with 4,036,298 popular votes, won 185 electoral votes. His main opponent,à Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, won the popular vote with 4,300,590à votes but won only 184 electoral votes. Hayes was elected president.In 1888, 401 electoral votes were available, with 201 needed to win. Republican Benjamin Harrison, with 5,439,8 53 popular votes, won 233 electoral votes. His main opponent,à Democrat Grover Cleveland, won the popular vote with 5,540,309à votes but won only 168 electoral votes. Harrison was elected president. In 2000,à 538 electoral votes were available, with 270 needed to win.à Republican George W. Bush, with 50,456,002 popular votes, won 271 electoral votes. His Democratic opponent,à Al Gore, won the popular vote with 50,999,897à votes but won only 266 electoral votes. Bush was elected president.In 2016, a total of 538 electoral votes were again available, with 270 needed to be elected. Republican candidate Donald Trump was elected president, winning 304 electoral votes, compared to 227 won by Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. However, Clinton received about 2.9 million more popular votes nationwide than Trump, a margin of 2.1 percent of the total vote. Trumpââ¬â¢s Electoral College victory was sealed by popular vote wins in the perennial swing states of Florida, Iowa, and Ohio, as well as in the so-called ââ¬Å"blue wallâ⬠states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, all Democratic strongholds in presidential elections since the 1990s. With most media sources p redicting an easy victory for Clinton, Trumpââ¬â¢s election brought the Electoral College system under intense public scrutiny. Trump detractors tried to protest his election and petitioned electors to cast faithless elector votes. Only two listened. Why the Electoral College? Most voters would be unhappy to see their candidate win the most votes but lose the election. Why would theà Founding Fathersà create a constitutional process that would allow this to happen? The framers of the Constitution wanted to make sure the people were given direct input in choosing their leaders and saw two ways to accomplish this: The people of the entire nation would vote for and elect the president and vice president based on popular votes alone. A direct popular election.The people of each state would elect their members of theà U.S. Congressà by direct popular election. The members of Congress would then express the wishes of the people by electing the president and vice president themselves. An election by Congress. The Founding Fathers feared the direct popular election option. There were no organizedà national political partiesà yet, no structure from which to choose and limit the number of candidates. Also, travel and communication were slow and difficult at that time. A veryà good candidateà could be popular regionally but remain unknown to the rest of the country. A large number of regionally popular candidates would thus divide the vote and not indicate the wishes of the nation as a whole. On the other hand, election by Congress would require the members to both accurately assess the desires of the people of their states and to actually vote accordingly. This could have led to elections that better reflected the opinions and political agendas of the members of Congress than the actual will of the people. As a compromise, the Electoral College system was developed. Considering that only five times in the nations history has a candidate lost theà popular national voteà but been elected by electoral vote, the system has worked well. Yet the Founding Fathers concerns with direct popular elections have mostly vanished. The national political parties have been around for years. Travel and communication are no longer problems. The public has access to every word spoken by every candidate every day. These changes have led to calls for reforms to the system, for example, so that more states have a proportional allocation of electoral votes to more accurately reflect the popular vote.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Angora Goat Facts
Angora Goat Facts The angora goat (Capra hircus aegagrus) is a domestic goat which has been deliberately bred to produce a soft, luxurious coat suitable for human textile manufacture.à Angoras were first developed in Asia Minor, between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, perhaps as much as 2,500 years ago- references to the use of goat hair as a textile appear in the Hebrew Bible.à Fast Facts: Angora Goats Scientific Name: Capra hircus aegagrus (the name for all domesticated goats)Common Names: Angora goat, mohair goatBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: Height at withers: 36ââ¬â48 inchesà à Weight: 70ââ¬â225 poundsLifespan: 10 yearsDiet:à HerbivoreHabitat: Semi-arid pastures in Asia Minor, US (Texas), South AfricaPopulation: ca 350,000Conservation Status: Not Evaluatedà Description The scientific name for Angora goats is Capra hircus aegagrus, but that name is also used to refer to most other domestic goats. All belong to the order Artiodactyle, family Bovidae, subfamily Caprinae, and genus Capra.à Angora goats are small in relation to dairy goats or sheep. Adult females stand 36 inches tall and weigh between 70ââ¬â110 pounds; males stand 48 inches tall and weigh 180ââ¬â225 pounds. Their main defining characteristic is long (8ââ¬â10 inches at shearing) ringlets of hair which are fine, silky, lustrous, and dazzlingly white in color and contain little oil in the fleece.à That hair, known as mohair, is a coveted and expensive resource when converted to textiles and sold in sweaters and other clothing. Raw mohair is graded on the basis of fiber thickness, and the best prices to be obtained are hairs that are between 24 and 25 microns thick. Both males and females are horned unless the farmer removes them. Bucks have horns which can reach two or more feet long and have a pronounced spiral, while female horns are comparatively short, 9ââ¬â10 inches long and straight or slightly spiraled.à Male angora goat in profile. Dmaroscar / Getty Images Plus Habitat and Distribution Angora goats thrive in mostly semi-arid regions with dry, hot summers and cold winters. They originated in Asia Minor and were first successfully exported to other countries beginning in the mid-19th century. Populations were established in South Africa in 1838, and the US on or near the Edwards Plateau of Texas in 1849. Other substantive populations today are managed in Argentina, Lesotho, Russia, and Australia. These goats are almost all in managed (rather than wild) populations, and they are often artificially inseminated, dehorned, and otherwise controlled. Adult angoras are sheared on a biannual basis, producing weights of up to about 10 pounds per year of long, silky fibers between 8ââ¬â10 inches long. The goats are quite susceptible to cold and wet weather after they have been sheared, for periods up to 4ââ¬â6 weeks. Close up of mohair on an angora goat. CookedPhotos / Getty Images Plus Diet and Behaviorà Goats are browsers and grazers, and they prefer brush, tree leaves, and rough plants, reaching the lower parts of trees by standing on their hind legs. They are often pastured with sheep and cattle since each species prefers different plants. Angoras can improve pastures and reforestation areas by controlling leafy spurge and destroying a range of nuisance plants such as multiflora roses, sand burs, and Canadian thistle. Goats like to go under or through obstacles, so agricultural specialists suggest that five-wire electric fences, woven-wire, or small-mesh fencing is required to keep them penned in. While most goats are not aggressive towards humans, they can do serious or lethal damage to other goats with their horns, especially during the rutting season. Reproduction and Offspring Angora goats have two sexes, and the male is considerably larger than the female. Billies begin rutting in the fall, a behavior that initiates estrus in the females. Little is known about natural herds and group behaviors since studies have been primarily confined to managed populations. Breeding lasts between late September into December (in the northern hemisphere); gestation typically lasts between 148ââ¬â150 days. Kids are born between late February through April or early May.à Angoras typically have one, two, or on rare occasions three kids, once a year, depending on herd size and management strategy. Kids are extremely delicate at birth and need protection for the first few days if the weather is cold or damp. Kids feed on mothers milk until they are weaned at about 16 weeks. Kids become sexually mature at 6ââ¬â8 months, but only about half have kids of their own in the first year. Angora goats have a lifespan of about 10 years. An Angora goat (Capra hircus aegagrus) nursing a kid. Pelooyen / Getty Images Plus Conservation Statusà Angora goats have not been evaluated as to conservation status, and there are at least 350,000 in different managed populations. Few are wild; the majority live in commercial herds which are grown to produce mohair. Sources Breeds of Livestock- Angora Goats. Oklahoma State University, 1999Jensen, Harriet L., George B. Holcomb, and Howard W. Kerr, Jr. Angora Goats: A Small-Scale Agriculture Alternative. Small Farm Program, University of California Davis, 1993.Jordan, R. M. Angora Goats in the Midwest. North Central Regional Extension Publication 375, 1990.à McGregor, B. A. Investigating the Angora Goat Agro-Pastoral Production System in Southern Australia. Small Ruminant Research 163 (2018): 10ââ¬â14.à McGregor, B. A., and A. M. Howse. The Effects of Mid Pregnancy and Postnatal Nutrition, Birth Parity and Sex on Angora Goat Live Weight Gain, Skin Follicle Development, Mohair Physical Properties and Fleece Value. Small Ruminant Research 169 (2018): 8ââ¬â18.à Shelton, Maurice. Angora Goat and Mohair Production. San Angelo, TX: Anchor Publishing, 1993.à Visser, Carina, et al. Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in South African, French and Argentinian Angora Goats from Genome-Wide Snp Data. PLOS ONE 11.5 (2016): e0154353.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Issues in Management Accounting - AC313 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Issues in Management Accounting - AC313 - Essay Example There was enormous resistance to change and tighten the cost control from the engineering side in all meetings as they feared that the cost control was merely to strengthen the accounting regime in the company. In 1980, Volvo representatives visited Renault plant to see their practices as their practices were taken as industryââ¬â¢s benchmarks. Volvo was facing very high costs in the initial stages of product development. Renault had competence in cost control and thus was taken as benchmark for the cost control drive by Volvo. There was a rapid change in the business environment that required Volvoââ¬â¢s management to implement cost management and control system. The business environment forced Volvo to be pro-active in their costing and to make their systems online to as to increase their efficiency in the intra-departmental and cross-functional accounting and costing. For cost effectiveness in the future, Volvo realized that they needed their cost control activities to be redirected to product development rather than manufacturing and production. This would reduce their costs in the initial stages of product development. The company used to be cost and budget driven whereas the need of the hour was to be customer oriented and delivering value to customers at minimum cost. Modular design and common parts were few major changes that Volvo introduced in their products. Process orientation was another major change that was being implemented in the industry. Instead of being function-oriented, organizations were moving towards process orientation. Redundant activities needed to be identified so that the processes could be streamlined and made more effective and cost efficient. Cost targets had become more critical and important. Timely formulation of realistic cost targets saved them huge investments which were not feasible and/or not affordable for their business. Calculations needed to be done in
Friday, November 1, 2019
Program Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
Program Proposal - Essay Example hes to Syndrome X factors ,as were available on standalone basis, some 15 years back; Record the present evolution of the holistic approach; List out nutraceuticals that have been accepted.; Trace developments in other nutraceuticals.;Correlate syndrome X states with nutraceutical remedies both as leading medicine as well as support medication within the holistic approach; Have a clear view on advantages of various approaches-say allopathy;Similarly have a clear view of disadvantages of various approaches; Map out management strategies with predefined degrees of severity; Train the participants in the art of modulating and fine tuning such strategies depending upon the case at hand; Review clinical stages of obtaining therapeutically approval for nutraceuticals,and study evolution of law in therapeutic approval. Syndrome X is a disease state which has been identified, not very long ago, along with the constellation of diseases it encompasses. The concept is an evolving one and is an all important concept. Its importance is enhanced by the fact that a large population suffers from Syndrome X symptoms and has the fear of escalating into more disease state if one particular disease state is ignored or not adequately addressed. Thus, an enhanced understanding of the holistic conceptualization of syndrome X would bring about a much better approach to treatment approaches. A conventional approach is to treat only one of the disease states within the constellation of the disease states identified under syndrome X and focus either lifestyle based or allopathy based treatment on this particular approach. This makes the healthcare system ignore several other symptoms which might be aggravating elsewhere. As and when these symptoms grow noticeable these are again taken up with either of the above appr oaches for treatment. It is widely acknowledged that the usual approach is to focus on allopathic drugs with lifestyle contributions coming only in the form of supplementary
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Write an essay arguing that Emily Grierson relationshi with her father
Write an arguing that Emily Grierson relationshi with her father contributed to her tragedy - Essay Example The description of Emilyââ¬â¢s father was presented in paragraph 25 as a ââ¬Å"spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhipâ⬠(Faulkner 25; cited in Kennedy and Gioia). Likewise, as noted, none of the young men were deemed good enough for Emily and that the townsfolk ââ¬Å"remembered all the young men her father had driven awayâ⬠(Faulkner 28). In addition, there was emphasis noted to the fact that ââ¬Å"the Griersons held themselves a little too high for what they really wereâ⬠(Faulkner 25). Due to the extreme sheltered existence given to Emily and the prevention of her father to find a suitable man as her husband, Emily remained isolated all her life. By the time her father died, there could actually be some manifestations of mental illness or insanity as it was revealed that Emily refused to admit her fatherââ¬â¢s death. When the townswomen came to offer their condolences, it was revealed that ââ¬Å"Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her face. She told them that her father was not dead. She did that for three days, with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body. Just as they were about to resort to law and force, she broke down, and they buried her father quicklyâ⬠(Faulkner 27). The length of time spent totally dependent on her father could have instigated the innate fear of being left alone and therefore, Emily could not accept the fact that this fear was in fact a reality. Alone and afraid in the house with nothing left to support or sustain her daily living, Emilyââ¬â¢s life succumbed to depression and anxiety . When a potential lover in the person of Homer Barron came to her life, the hope of having someone to spend her life with was just what she needed. However, as the story unfolded, it was revealed that Homer Barron, who the townsfolk
Monday, October 28, 2019
Opportunities for Company Essay Example for Free
Opportunities for Company Essay Opportunities for Company Q to lead in the area of social responsibility Company Qââ¬â¢s attitude towards social responsibility appears to be nonexistent, possibly through ignorance or disconcert. Either way the lack of social responsibility affects their business and communityââ¬â¢s perception of their business. It appears that the company management has never developed and ethics program that clearly defines the corporate culture including provisions for social responsibility. Profits, or at least a lack of losses appears to be a primary motivating factor for company Qs managementââ¬â¢s decisions. Company Q has been attempting to cut losses by closing stores that were losing money instead of finding innovative ways to increase revenues and profitability for the stores. Based on the known information, Company Q still has ample opportunity to build a socially responsible reputation within the community it serves and at the same time create profits for its shareholders. Simple and cost-effective changes could be implemented in a relatively short amount of time and the benefits to the community, employees and the company itself could be realized within a reasonable amount of time. There are at least three ways that Company Q can make a positive affect within the community that it serves while increasing revenues and profitability for shareholders. First area of improvement: Take those previous customer requests for health conscience and organic products and turn them into reality within their stores. For many years, Company Qs customers have been requesting health conscience and organic products sold at Company Qââ¬â¢s stores. The companys efforts to provide this for its customers have been weak at best. The companys management has the ethical duty to be positively reactive to its customers requests, so long as those requests are not illegal, immoral, irresponsible or unethical. Since requests are for products that benefit the health of customers, company Q needs to act to deliver those requested products in a manner that is consistent with its goals of profitability. In this case, the company has the ability to show social responsibility in bringing healthier products into its stores and have the added benefit that these items are high-margin, delivering profit opportunities to company shareholders. Because the items are high-margin, the costs of purchasing a reasonable supply and variety of items is relatively low as compared to lower margin items that are mostà likely currently stocked in each store. The company even has an opportunity to reduce costs in the stores purchases by eliminating similar products that are lower in margin to the ones that they will be bringing in based on customer requests. Promotion of the social responsibility plan is important. With no additional cost in advertising, company Q can promote these new healthy products in its ad vertising. Doing so can bring back some of their lost business as well as bring in new customers to the stores. This situation is a win not only for Company Q but is also a win for customers and employees. The additional profits from higher-margin items will assist the company in creating wages that are appropriate for each position and opportunities for advancement in pay and position for its employees. This can help create an atmosphere that retains employees and reduces turnover, consequently, reducing the costs of obtaining and training new employees on a regular basis. Second area of improvement: Donations to local food banks, shelters and other charities Company Q experiences a direct loss of not only the potential profit from but the actual cost of day-old items that are thrown away. In doing so, the company experiences these costs with no benefit to the company. This method of handling the old items not only costs the company dollars in loss but also does not allow the company to reap the benefits of a socially responsible positive image to its customers and employees. Company Qââ¬â¢s management has taken the approach that by donating the day-old items it leaves the possibility for employees to steal from the company. A thorough plan of documentation for the donation process will help in ensuring that the donations go where they are intended and minimize risk of employee theft. One part of this plan would be to have the food bank pick up the donated items on a daily or weekly basis. As part of the donation process the food bank employee and the store employee would sign an inventory of the items picked up. This inventory tracking could be used by the stores as proof for prospective tax deductible donation on federal and/or state taxes. Any legal reductions in tax liability, improves profitability for the company. Company Q can benefit with a more socially responsible image to its customers and employees each time the food bank truck pulls up to the store and is being loaded with donated food. Food banks are not the only opportunity to show company philanthropy to the community. Making donations and collecting donations from the community forà homeless shelters and other worthy charitable organizations is yet another avenue to show the community that Company Q is active in social responsibility. Shelters and other charitable organizations are in need of items that the stores may not be able to sell to their customers for donation, but when customers and employees bring in donated items such as clothing, personal appliances and possibly furniture, these items could be collected at or near the store and be picked up by these charitable organizations. This gives the store an opportunity to receive business from those that are dropping off donations, by going in to the store and purchasing items that they may need for themselves and do it in one simple trip. These type of donation events can be listed in their existing advertising and give customers another reason to come by the store. Third area of improvement: Create opportunities for employees as well as customers to share in the charitable activities that promote social responsibility. As part of its change in being more socially responsible, Company Q could directly involve its customers by making donation bins available in stores for customers to purchase items and donate to the food bank. Advertising this in the store is good, but including it in their existing ad campaign could bring in customers that appreciate socially responsible businesses. Not only is this the sale of the items additional revenue for Company Q, but it allows customers to be directly involved in donation, which in turn creates even more goodwill for Company Q. In addition to customer involvement, employees can be directly involved in developing a socially responsible image of the company. Company Q could organize and promote employees assisting at food bank locations. These employees could go in for one day each month or each quarter and work within the food bank in one of many areas that the food bank needs physical labor for. Company Q could pay the employees their regular wages and be may able to take tax deductions for the wages paid to employees while assisting the food bank. This approach is another win for all parties involved. The food bank wins with donated labor, the employees win by being paid for the time worked at the food bank and Company Q wins by showing social responsibility in its community and gaining goodwill for itself in the process. In conclusion, Company Q can develop an ethics program and implement a plan for social responsibility that helps those within its community and increase its revenue and profitsà in doing so.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Adam Sandler Essay -- essays research papers
It seems you either love him or hate him - but there's no avoiding him. Adam Sandler has risen to the top, and he has his loyal fans to thank for it. While most actors fight their way to the top while relying mainly on hype, for Sandler this was actually against him. No one thought he would succeed, but the fans made it happen, carrying him to the top of the box office. Sandler grew up in Brooklyn, New York and was born on September 9th, 1966. While this probably doesn't come as a surprise, Adam was the class clown throughout high school. What was surprising is that Adam never realized how useful his sense of humor would be. He got his start in stand-up comedy one night when he got and started performing at a Boston bar he frequently went to. Although Sandler is often dismissed as Immature, he has a University education with a degree in Fine Arts from New York University. He relied on the money that he earned in stand-up and from a recurring role on the hit Cosby Show as Theo Huxtable's dim-witted buddy. He spent some time doing stand-up in L.A., where former Saturday Night Live star Dennis Miller caught his act. Miller spoke to producer Lorne Michaels about him, and Adam Sandler was soon working for SNL. At first, he was mainly a writer who appeared on the show occasionally. However, his appearances were so popular (ie: Operaman, Canteen Boy) that his status soon changed to that of a regular player. During the early 90s, he was by far the most popular and entertaining ca...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Japanese Gender Roles
Why and how is Gender affected in Japans modern day society? These questions I sought out to answer. I chose Japanese gender roles because I felt it would be a topic of interest, and one I would do my best in to research. It is subject I have hold some value in, and always wanted to learn more about. I had established rapport long ago with interviewee, when I became friends with Tomo MIzaki. This also helped me obtain consent from MIzaki to do this project with ease and be able to interview him. I had an extensive and productive interview with Mizaki, summing up a total of three hours.This paper will explain the Japanese families gender roles. I conducted extensive ethnographic study with Mizaki with several interviews and backing up what he said with my own research of outside resources. This methodology of mine helped my research to be more solid and resourceful. With the interviews and research I conducted, this helps me understand why and how the Typical nuclear Japanese family a ct and behave a certain way, and how gender roles are affected upon the mother and father of the relationship. The traditional gender roles place men as breadwinners and women as homemakers.Among younger couples, more flexible gender roles are becoming popular, although attitudes are changing, actual behaviors are not: Japanese men do only twenty to thirty minutes' worth of domestic work per day, while women spend three and a half hours in household chores. Throughout Tomoââ¬â¢s Mizakiââ¬â¢s life, he was brought to do very well in school and get a great job after, not to clean up after himself. Unlike Tomo, his sister was only asked to do the house chores and never given much attention too, even though she too does well in school.Traditional gender roles in Japan are characterized by a strong sense of patriarchy in society, which account for the bifurcation of the productive and reproductive spheres, with a distinct separation of gender roles. In the family, this refers to the idea of the man as the primary breadwinner of the family, and the woman as the primary caregiver in the family, an idea that is described by Tomo Mizaki in his life. Mizakiââ¬â¢s mother had no ââ¬Å"special dutiesâ⬠in her job, and her main roles were as a housewife, a mother, and in taking care of her ill mother-in-law.Even though she was a college graduate, and knew three languages fluently. In examining the nature of gender roles and inequality in Japan, it is important to consider the major traditional patterns, understanding how these patterns have changed today, and how the changes have affected society in general. This has resulted in a tension between the status and economic security of marriage and the freedom of remaining single, where many women find themselves trapped in marriages that deny them personal freedom.In addition, women in rural communities do not enjoy equal rights and status as their husbands, being expected to serve the families as ââ¬Å"workersà ¢â¬ , while at the same time not rewarded in terms of inheritance. Gender roles in the family bear a close relationship to the situation in the workforce, where there is a strong male dominance in the company hierarchy. Resultantly, males possess increased career opportunities, unlike females, who are marginalized in the workforce and are considered to be temporary labor, expected to resign upon marriage or childbirth.In the workplace, the idea that women play a temporary labor role has resulted in their limited career advancement. As can be seen, there is an intimate family-work relationship in Japanese society and this hinges on the traditional gender roles within society. For example, Mizakiââ¬â¢s mother is a graduate from the University of Washington but as soon as she had Kondo and his sister she retired to stay as the housewife. This shows the pattern of the patriarchy lifestyle. Show in the Annual edition article 20 in ââ¬Å" Who needs Love! In Japan, Many couples Donâ â¬â¢tâ⬠by Nicolas D. Kristof. I donââ¬â¢t interfere with my husbandââ¬â¢s business, not with my mouth, hands or legs. â⬠This statement, made by Kumiko Hashimoto, the wife of former Japanese Prime Minister Ryutario Hashimoto, underlines the traditional role of women in Japan. Husbands and wives report very little communication and conversation, as little as ten to fifteen minutes per day. For most part most husbands have a second home closer to work, rarely do they go back home with children and wife. There is no conversation, communication, and sexual relations between a husband and wife, but they do not divorce. This is because there is an unseen code for women and men.Because the traditional gender patterns in Japanese society have however not been without their tensions and problems. For instance, traditional patterns in the family require women to be put their husbands before their jobs, for example Tomoââ¬â¢s mother. Roles for mothers and fathers are segr egated. Childcare is regarded as the mother's responsibility; the father's domestic role is limited to small household repairs and paying for household needs and the childââ¬â¢s care, like school supplies. Mizaki explained how his father was rarely seen and if Mizaki was fortunate, he might see his father twice a week.Full-time working wives (which is not so common) also have the burden of housekeeping without help. Domestic help is not popular in Japan, when women need help in housekeeping work and childcare, their mothers help the woman (according to Mizaki). Mothers prefer living close to their mothers' house for this reason. Husbands and wives call each other father and mother, even when children are not around. Japanese couples regard parental roles as more important than couple roles when they have children. As can be seen, the patterns of gender roles in Japan are still deeply rooted in the Japanese psyche.In conclusion Japanese lifestyle and gender roles will not alter un til specific life changing laws are made and enforced in todayââ¬â¢s modern day Japan. Even though Japan has low divorce rate, we do not fully understand if the women and men are happy the way they live, but they accept it and deal with it.Work cited Quoted in Mary Jordan, ââ¬Å"A First Ladyââ¬â¢s Secondary Role; Premierââ¬â¢s Wife stands behind her man, typifying gender roles in modern Japanâ⬠, The Washington Post, 15 April 1996, Online, Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, 11 Mar 2000. Annual Editions, Article 20, ââ¬Å"ââ¬Å" Who needs Love! In Japan, Many couples Donââ¬â¢tâ⬠by Nicolas D. Kristof.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hip-Hop Hold
John H. McWhorter's essay How Hip-Hop Hold Blacks Back discusses the popular subculture phenomenon of hip-hop and its effect on society. Recounting from experiences, McWhorther describes hip-hop as a counter-phenomenon which hinders the cultural and intellectual progress of the black community. Basing the development of hip-hop from the early 1960's to the 1970's, it emerged from the realism brought about by the oppression of the African-American community and how several ideologies, especially on activism, influenced the development of this genre.McWhorter argues on the effect of rap music as a means of creating a backward ideology; it does not provide any room for any intellectual development as far as culture is concerned. As such, he mentions in the end that rap music creates nothing. Rap revolution McWhorter states examples of historical implications of rap music. During the 1970's the idealism brought about by racial oppression, the black community raised different ideals towar ds apartheid and oppression, most notable of which were the ideals of African-American icons such as Malcolm X and Leroi Jones.The most famous of movements was the Black Panthers, a social group that inspired ideological activism as well as employing harsh measures in solidifying their claims. This gave rise to the ââ¬Ësticking it to the man' attitude, a kind of social behavior where authority does not apply and individuals tend to view themselves above such authority and law. From these ideologies, it also implies an individualistic notion towards the essence of rap music, which concentrates more on the life of a ââ¬Ëgangsta' in the street, experiences on drugs, sex, and violence.According to McWhorter, rap music may be viewed as a cultural revolution of the society. That is, the message conveyed by these lyrics express a certain degree of the experiences of the past and conveying it as a detached attitude toward the status quo and authority. McWhorter used several words to d escribe rap music, and from such usage, his writing style clearly presents his bias against it, labeling the music as nonsense and profane. He also states rap music and ideology revolves mainly on the person's apathetic stance toward authority.As described by McWhorter, rap music retards black success since the music itself, according to him, only contains nonsense lyrics which celebrate street warfare, drugs, and promiscuity. McWhorter further mentions that ââ¬Ëviolence, misogyny, and lawlessness are nothing to sing about. He also explains the idea of ââ¬Ëblaxploitation' which celebrates the idea of a black criminal as a revolutionary figure. This blaxploitation led to the development of the ââ¬Ëgangsta' style, deviating from the early forms of rap as a ââ¬Ëpop' or bubble gum music.Rap music is then associated with a constant mindset in disobedience and being above the system. From this point on, rap music has become another form of self-expression, concentrating more o n the aforementioned themes. The lyrics found in these rap songs have become edgy and tantamount to literal translation. As McWhorter mentions specific rap songs depicting these themes, he focuses more on the rapper's individual experiences, as described by the life in the ghetto marred with hardships and suffering.The songs then further downplays into more explicit themes such as detailed depictions of violence and problems against authority such as the inclusion of policemen and its association with violence. As such, these songs then represent explicit choice of word use in the lyrics which directly imply the use of guns and violence and their encounters with authority. McWhorter also adds that the ââ¬Ëgangsta' type of rap are interspersed with mysoginistic views, viewing women as mere objects and prone to obsscene defamation as expressed in the lyrics.In this case, McWhorter states the use of these words adhere to sexual promiscuity and an apparent attack on the image of wome n. This presents another world-view, according to McWhorter, as he sums up the ââ¬Ëgangsta' hip-hop genre with ââ¬ËLife ain't nothin' but bitches and money' (McWhorter, 4). He then points out that his kind of rap music can go old quickly and the rap music that can truly sell are those that are edgy, political, and representing another view with authority and society. Cultural influences From the aforementioned themes, rap music has then developed into an alternative culture, as it reinforces another kind of social behavior.The meaning implied by the lyrics used in rap songs produces another method of thinking, and from these implications, the behavior that the hip-hop world presents can be accepted as societal norms. The article presents a semi-critique of the notion on rap music and society. McWhorter associates the evolution of the music during the oppressive state of the black community during the sixties and seventies. He implies that rap music is a regressed state of musi c. He argues that although the can remain revolutionary in essence, the themes rap music tries to espouse is somehow degrading to the advancement of the black culture.He mentions the gesticulations, speech mannerisms as influenced by rap music can hinder young black men in searching for careers because of this unruly behavior they find in rap music. He also states that even as the media depict the successful African-American people in the industry, rap music, he argues, still depicts black people are uncivilized. The article is a semi-critique, that in a sense, it only presents the cultural implications of rap music and its adverse effect on society. However, it merely acts as a pure critique rather than a practical critique of rap ideologies.In a way, the article only acts as a reminder of this existing subculture and it does not give any practical situations in which the culture of rap can be addressed. However, the problem also lies on rap's history. Because of its uniqueness and the ââ¬Ëstick it to the man' attitude, it has permeated through the societal mindset and has transformed into another phenomenological event of human concept. The ââ¬Ëgangsta' mindset is now deeply ingrained through the consciousness of its audience and therefore can be hard for any critique to change. McWhorter's tone and word used clearly portrays his bias against the ââ¬Ënonsense' of hip-hop.This ââ¬Ënonsense' is viewed both in the linguistic and ideal sense. Rap music's choice of words is often explicit and profane, and it uses such words with constant repetition as though it is a part of the ââ¬Ëgangsta' vocabulary. There is even an implication from the examples given by McWhorter that profane words in rap is in itself a standard and to be without such words, it cannot be considered hip-hop or rap. The lingual problem is also associated with gesticulations and speech mannerisms, according to McWhorter, that is considered ââ¬Ëarrogant' and ââ¬Ëirritating'.A ccording to the author, the theme that rap music revolves around is nonsense, since it only concentrates on the experience of the individual in his/her conditions supported by a formative mindset from the past. Sex, alcohol, violence and drugs are common themes in rap music, and these degrade the possibility of cultural advancement of a real society not hindered by any racial bias or oppression. Works Cited McWhorter, John H. ââ¬Å"How Hip-Hop Holds Black Back. â⬠The City Journal (Summer 2003).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Survival of the fittest essays
Survival of the fittest essays Justification of African Americans continued use of unorthodox medicine The science of medicine and the practice of medicine after slavery have been an evolving and dynamic series of events. After slavery ended, the majority of African Americans held fast to their methods of healing such as therapeutic herbal remedies, conjuring and other unorthodox procedures, for several reasons, despite improvements and advances in medical technology. Doctoring as practiced by slaves on slaves was much more acceptable to them than modern white medicine. It was quite clear that this clinging to the familiar, was in part due to the innate and profound distrust of the medical care rendered by whites, their faith in the African healers and conjurers, affordability and conditions of the very few black hospitals, racism as well as the all important fact that in some states, medical treatment was denied to blacks by white hospitals and doctors. While therapies appeared to become significantly important to maintaining good health and crossing social divides, African American s often struggled against racial, gendered, and class based constructions of who was fit to claim the privileges of medical authority. The majority of supporting evidence is narratives from books such as Remembering Jim Crow by Chafe and Working Cures by Sharla Fett and African American Midwifery in the South by Gertrude Fraser which clearly indicate the reasons why black people resorted to their herbal remedies and treatments after slavery as opposed to white medicine. Documents from the United States Public Health Service and doctors reports from medical journals will further support the mistreatment of black people during and after slavery. The U.S. Public Health Services study from 1932 to 1972 of untreated syphilis in African American Alabama men remains the most concrete symbol of scientific ...
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